Your future library of images for the metaverse.
There are many good reasons to own digital Art! So many works of Art to discover in this fabulous world. So get ready in advance to make the most of it.
Original allows you to value and sell your Art in a new way, while continuing to create value and attract Art collectors. We are only at the beginning of this new trend which will grow and become more widespread over time in the developing world of Metaverse.
When you own an NFT, it becomes a tangible asset, just like your physical Art collection displayed in your home.
The frozen moment offered by a photographic artist or a digital Artists is a moment in life that becomes immortalised. A photographic artwork allows us to travel, and at the same time to receive strong messages. Photography is different from painting and sculpture because it relies more on reality and the instantaneous
Photography is both artistic and absolutely descriptive in its messages to us.
The reality of our world allows photographic artists to present it to us differently, with their vision. This is how a photographer can convey messages to the world.
We would like to thank all the artists who offer you original works in the form of NFT.
Green energy investments
ROCHEGRUP SOFTWARES owner of the Original platform is proposing another major initiative to reduce its carbon footprint. Starting in fiscal year 2022, we will systematically reinvest 10% of our NFT revenue in the construction of wooden ecolodges and reforestation to increase our environmental actions.
We must all contribute to improving our planet to pass it on to future generations. We are only passing through and it is up to us to preserve the richness of the fauna and flora. was created by a team of digital native: Entrepreneurs, Blockchain experts, Marketing specialists, and Private art collectors… We are committed to delivering a cutting-edge experience and making this project a success.
Marketing Director
Blockchain Developer
Community Manager
Full Stack Developer
There are many good reasons to own digital Art! So many works of Art to discover in this fabulous world. So get ready in advance to make the most of it.
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Developed by RocheGrup Softwares